Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Monday evening rejuvenation

Hi everyone, this is my first post for this blog.

Last night, as soon as I got home from work, my hubby and I went for a little jaunt down County Line road. We went straight through the new three-way stop signs near St. Joe church and on down to where the road stops at Hwy 60. Then we turned around and went back. Total ride is about 8.5 miles. The weather was awesome, the legs felt great, very little wind, and I came back refreshed and ready to complete my article for the paper which I send in every Tuesday morning.

Nothing like a bike ride to get the creative juices flowing.


edward parish said...

Welcome Debbie, we look forward to more of your postings.

The New Albanian said...

Same here. I sat out a couple days because of rain, but have managed to get out the past two, and will squeeze something in today as well before checking in at work.

Debbie H. said...

Yes, j, well soon, we'll continue on St. Joe through Sellersburg and out to Brick Church road. Just have to get my mileage up slowly. :)

Thanks for the welcome.