Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good times in Downtown

Went out for a leisurely ride around the city after the rain. Stepping out onto the porch, I was greeted by a wonderful punch to the lungs by the humidity. I don't think I've ever encountered humidity like last night.

So I hear thunder off in the distance, but felt that I still had a good 1/2 hour to just cruise down spring to the heart of downtown, then back up Market. Lot's of good jumps along the way. Overall it was a good little ride, but here's an observation I've made on my tours in Naaalbany.

Whether I invite it or not, it seems that I'm always the target of some type of commentary by locals. Or, I at least get the "brush-off" by a motorist, no matter how much room the car/truck has in the lane, it seems that I'm nearly rode into the gutter.

I don't know if it's the site of seeing a grown man on a kids bike, tattoos, or what, that compels the locals to make audible commentary, but for some reason, I kind of get bummed out that a guy can't simply go out for a peaceful bike ride in this town.

I know that the people out in the country side of floyd county are not exempt, as I had a guy deliberately ride me off the road up by the school in the's where if you climb Spickert Knob, then make a left at the top and ride that road to the 4 way stop and there's the lawn-mower store and you hang a right there. Well, last year, I'm just riding, going up the little climb after the school and I had this guy towing a front end loader drive right next to me, then slowly drifts to the outside of the road. He sees me roll off into the ditch there and then speeds off.

Good times I tell ya'!

Anyway's, it's always an adventure, no matter where I ride here in New Albany. Keep it safe out there and I'd like to hear if anyone else has the same experiences.


edward parish said...

Tom just a few more years and my family will be finding a more tolerant area to call home. Gone will be the ignorance and common disrespect that folk riding cycles(and other parts of life here) go through whenever they ride. My buddy TR will be here next weekend from California and he is in for such a rude awakening when we head out on the bikes....

Tommy2x4 said...

oh my is he ever! are you going to take him on the tues. night "Worlds" ride with the LBC? i heard that's always interesting.

i have many stories of roadies, cars and cytomax squirts to the face from those rides! there even may have been a fist thrown....

however, if you all can, i do recommend that you all try the ride out at tom sawyer. seems that is the most road friendly tour..

The New Albanian said...

Nah, think I'll stay a bit and try to teach the local some manners.