Sunday, August 27, 2006

Big time weekend

Yesterday I climbed St. Joe Knob. I thought I was past the point in life where I'd be able to do something like that. After climbing, we rode along Skyline drive and went down Mosier Knob (that was fun!), total ride was about 27 miles I think. Oh, and right when we were at the top of Mosier Knob, my odometer crossed over to 1,000 miles! I put it on this bike when I bought it last year in October.

Then today, we went to Louisville and ended up at the Heine Bros. in Douglass Loop. Total ride today was 50 miles. A half-century. Never thought I'd ever do that either.

Set some goals and move towards them, you just might surprise yourself.

1 comment:

edward parish said...

Funny you should post this day Debbie, I was thinking of you as I climbed Edwardsville Hill enroute to Lanesville today. Damn can it get any more humid? Only half the miles of last weekend and I'm spent. Trying so hard to train for California and the HHH is killing me. Good to here from you, please post more often if possible.