Saturday, March 18, 2006

The latest malfunction ...

... is a broken spoke on the back wheel, suffered today while peddling to work.

Teeth gritting.

It's wobbling fairly bad, so I won't risk a ride tomorrow. Instead, it'll be up to Clarksville Schwinn first thing Monday to have the wheel respoked.

I learned my lesson in Belgium two years ago. Break one -- don't wait; respoke altogether. It takes no time at all for the spokes around the broken one to weaken, and they'll start snapping, too.


edward parish said...

A near 80 hour work week has left me battered and close to exhaustion, so no riding is planned for today, only rest.

Tough luck on your rims, are they the original rims that came on your bike? Might be worth the investment of new ones brfore your trek across the hinterlands.

Highwayman said...

Do you get the feeling that the bicycle goblins are out to get you?

The New Albanian said...

Bicycle goblins are better than Dan Coffey right behind you with a blow torch.