Monday, March 27, 2006

Finally I Get A Ride In

After not being able to ride for who knows how long, I finally got a twenty mile ride in today just before the rain came. Cruised around NA, did some hills and sprints as my body reacted so familiar to the pace I put it through. Funny how the time off the seat and pedals made my body seem more rested and stronger, even though I had been working a ton of hours on the electrical grid over the last two weeks and was feeling so run down.

After about a couple of miles of warming up, I actually caught myself smiling and loving the exercise. There is something to say about true enjoyable exercise. Before my two weeks of hell and not riding, my body was starting to feel fatigued and I was really concerned about how it would react to my upcoming bike trip. Now I have no concerns and will keep up a training program to warrant the miles ahead for me in five weeks when I go out California.

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