Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cinna's Stage

It was appropriate to ride on the Ides this sunny afternoon, though not at war with myself like the Brutus of lore but rather pensively like a Beckett character. My yearly total on the bike has reached 22 miles and my ambition is three hundred, not much by the standards of my peers but double that of last year. If indeed we are inviting the inevitable global warming, it is fitting to enjoy it, even in an activity that itself tempers its proliferation.


edward parish said...

No chance for moi on the pedals so far this week, work has seen to that; 46 hours Monday to Wednesday on the electrical grid. Glad to hear you made it out and enjoyed the weather.

The New Albanian said...

35 km yesterday left me sore, but ready for more circa 10.oo am today.

Debbie H. said...

Edward, I finally had some time to make it over to this blog. Very cool to find other local bikers on the web.

So far I have only been out once this year, and it was for 8.5 miles. And today my lower back is killing me, I don't know why, but I'm wondering if it's because I upped the resistance on our eliptical trainer in the hopes that would make my transition to longer bike distances easier.

It tees me off that I feel like this on a sunny Saturday.

I hope I just pulled a muscle or something and I'll be able to stand up straight soon. :)