Saturday, March 25, 2006

Gonzo Bicycling Strikes Again

*photo borrowed from the web
At the suggestion of my long time friend Roger, this is archived from my Parish blog.

Monday, October 17, 2005

On Sunday morning I rode my bike across the Sherman Minton Bridge that connects Indiana with Kentucky spanning the Ohio River, giving me yet another bridge conquered via my bicycle. It was early in the morning, near 0800hrs when I peddled up the ramp and approached the massive structure. Yes it is against the law to be on a bicycle on such part of the Interstate system, but I did it and had great fun doing so. Only one vehicle passed me and the look on the drivers face said it all: crazy. Well I am in a harmless kind of way. Maybe just my way of retaining my youthful rebel needs.

1 comment:

Debbie H. said...

Whoa, having just attended two classes of a Louisville effective cycling course, I have to say I don't think the guy in charge would approve of what you did. ;)

And of course there's the problem of increasing possible hostility against all bikers who would just like to use the road in peace.

But you did post a warning, so I guess that makes it okay.
