Monday, June 08, 2009

First Time This Year Up Corydon Pike

We went up Corydon Pike yesterday for a total 34 mile ride. This is definitely the earliest we've gone up the hill since we began biking. I love the feeling of having climbed a hill up the knobs. This one isn't really that hard, I just put it in a low gear and take my time.

As to the survey, here's where we stand. During the ride above, at one point we were at 6 to 1, but then we had a really nice and polite "In God We Trust" car driver so we decided to subtract one.

By the way one of the In God We Trust-ers was a really dangerous little old lady who whipped around us with a car coming the other way and then she ran a red light, all before pulling into her church parking lot.

Then there was a van who raced by us and then blew his horn twice obnoxiously right before HE pulled into his church's parking lot. On that one, I almost stopped to "chat" with him. John said we should have went down and asked him WWJD?

Anyway, score now for idiot drivers is:

In God We Trust Plates: 5
Regular Indiana Plates: 1

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