Wednesday, April 26, 2006


After re-thinking my earlier post, I came home and decided to redo it. This is an open forum blog created for myself and for others to chat about or communicate about bicycling. I stole part of RAB's post from yesterday and thought I had an avenue that we could expand on, when in reality it was nothing more than HIS thoughts about possible rides on Monday this summer and nothing more. If, he wishes to include folks for a scheduled ride, he will do so.

That said, I would wish for J. Barthold and others to be Contributors to this blog and have input as well as help set up group rides. That was the vision when the idea of this blog was conceived by me and my longtime friend RAB. We have made it perfectly clear that this blog is here for whomever wishes to log, keep track of or just tell us fellow cyclists of their own experience on their rides. Our longtime friend Lloyd made the leap and asked to be a Contributor and I personally think that is way cool. If you ride around the block with kids, that would be really cool to hear. If you road from here to Indy and back that is cool, too. The nice weather is upon us people, share your experiences.

Send me or Roger and email and we will see to it that you will be a Contributor to this locally shared blog.



The New Albanian said...

Ed, all's well. Last summer the Kutter boys and John mentioned their Monday rides to me, as it is the day the Kutter take "off" from mowing. I was never able to shift things around to free up the day, but perhaps this year. These rides would involve throwing the bike in the truck and traveling a few miles to a meeting place, then riding.

Monday's of course aren't good for most, but it wouldn't stop us from doing a group ride on Sunday or Saturday (the latter would be my problem day).

When do you leave for the Coast?

edward parish said...

May 5th. I haven't had a day off in three weeks and will not get one before I leave. Tried to get Randy set up, but he said he did not get an invitation from blogger, can you check and see if maybe I did something wrong.
ps-going for a ride right now.

Debbie H. said...

So do you want a female perspective? I'll post about my rides if you like.

edward parish said...

Sure, this is for all of us. Roger and I are the administrators of the blog, but this was my hope to get others to tell of their rides. Do I have your email address? If you wish it to remain private send it to me at

edward parish said...

I will be working in Shelbyville IN this weekend for Duke Energy, so if you send it to me and I do not respond right away, give me sometime to reply or tag RAB at