Saturday, October 28, 2006

bicycling for louisville

Barry Zalph has a very nice program going on in louisville about cycling and the benefits of it for health and community. They have a website, bicycling for louisville.

On another note. Watched a guy ride between a line of cars on Charlestown Road. The traffic had the red light. He rides between the cars and blows right through the light. No attempt at a signal or anything. He darts out then crosses over 3 lanes of traffic. Not cool at all.

If we want respect on the road, things like this need to halt. Not only was it not cool, but the safety issues are huge. I don't want to be the target of hostille drivers due to other peoples actions.


edward parish said...

Thanks for the heads up on the website. Insofar as the wacky riding, I have a bit of rogue riding in me from time to time, but never would I jeopardize the safety of someone operating a motor vehicle, especially in the age of cellphones and all of the other crap people do while driving instead of paying full attention.

edward parish said...

As in Rogue Dead Guy Ale and Tour Of The Enlighted Rogues!

Tommy2x4 said...

i'm fond of the people reading while driving.